Retrospective exhibition
Lartigue photographed everything that moved him and seemed beautiful to him; his photography also helped him to combat the passage of time. This exhibition focuses on the themes he explored throughout his career and on photography as an instrument of memory, a tool for capturing the fragility of existence and the short-lived nature of happiness.

160 modern prints / 160 frames
19 stereoscopic views (viewer not included )
8 Autochromes on film (lightbox vitrine not included)
Photographs with white mats, Schott anti-reflective Plexiglas
White metal frames
The caption list (in French, Spanish and Catalan) in the annex.
A slideshow of 100 album pages is available.
8 wooden crates:
Crate n°1 : 71x90x61 cm
Crate n°2 : 71x128x71 cm
Crate n°3 : 71x132x81 cm
Crate n°4 : 71x136x81 cm
Crate n°5 : 71x116x91 cm
Crate n°6 : 91x112x81 cm
Crate n°7 : 101x90x81 cm
Crate n°8 : 76x55x49 cm
Un mundo flotante, fotografias de Jacques Henri Lartigue
Texts by Florian Rodari, Martine d’Astier, Andres Hispano
Editions Fundacio La Caixa, Barcelona, 2010
297 x 240 mm – 255 pages
Available on the website